Back to Saturday Trips

To everyone who helped in Hammond recently...

Hey Andy, Alicia, Vicky,Amy
   Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. And in the spirit of Thanksgiving I would like you to thank all of the students that gave of their time to come out and help with the building of these 5 homes. I hope that they understand that not only are they helping to build homes but also they help to build communities as well as families. They also give hope to the families that come to own their 1st home. This in turn gives their children a nice place to live and gives them a brighter outlook on life. I don't know if they are aware of the fact that Habitat for Humanity is a Christian ministry with many religious denominations involved. So in a sense it was a blessing to have all of you folks out there. I thought it was absolutely great that you guys and gals gave up your Sat. mornings to come out and help build as well as learn something about home building and most importantly work side by side with somebody you don't know and end up with a new friend.
   There are so many ways to say thank you and I will give you only a few, and please pass this on to all of the students that came out to help as I don't know if I will ever get the chance to personally thank them myself. I'll start with a muchas gracias por todo, you've made the difference...thank you for your make work seem fun...I'm very proud of you...Dankschen...Imena-Dalu...Merci Beaucoup...what a difference you made around here...without you it could not have been make others feel involved...Nasimi...M goi nei sin...thank you for your patience... and most of all thank you for your time. Thank You..Thank You.

Mitch Carrillo
Northwest Indiana Habitat for Humanity
Asst. Construction Supervisor